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Asia Pacific Journal Of Management

Asia Pacific Journal Of ManagementSCIESSCI

国际简称:Asia Pac J Manag  参考译名:亚太管理杂志

  • 中科院分区


  • CiteScore分区


  • JCR分区


出版商:Springer Nature
出版周期:4 issues per year
Gold OA文章占比:15.86%
英文简介 期刊介绍 CiteScore数据 中科院SCI分区 JCR分区 发文数据 常见问题

英文简介Asia Pacific Journal Of Management期刊介绍

The Asia Pacific Journal of Management publishes original manuscripts on management and organizational research in the Asia Pacific region, encompassing Pacific Rim countries and mainland Asia. APJM focuses on the extent to which each manuscript addresses matters that pertain to the most fundamental question: “What determines organization success?” The major academic disciplines that we cover include entrepreneurship, human resource management, international business, organizational behavior, and strategic management. However, manuscripts that belong to other well-established disciplines such as accounting, economics, finance, marketing, and operations generally do not fall into the scope of APJM. We endeavor to be the major vehicle for exchange of ideas and research among management scholars within or interested in the broadly defined Asia Pacific region.Key features include:Rigor - maintained through strict review processes, high quality global reviewers, and Editorial Advisory and Review Boards comprising prominent researchers from many countries.Relevance - maintained by its focus on key management and organizational trends in the region.Uniqueness - being the first and most prominent management journal published in and about the fastest growing region in the world.Official affiliation - Asia Academy of ManagementFor more information, visit the AAOM website:www.baf.cuhk.edu.hk/asia-aom/ Officially cited as: Asia Pac J Manag

期刊简介Asia Pacific Journal Of Management期刊介绍

《Asia Pacific Journal Of Management》是一本管理学优秀杂志。致力于发表原创科学研究结果,并为管理学各个领域的原创研究提供一个展示平台,以促进管理学领域的的进步。该刊鼓励先进的、清晰的阐述,从广泛的视角提供当前感兴趣的研究主题的新见解,或审查多年来某个重要领域的所有重要发展。该期刊特色在于及时报道管理学领域的最新进展和新发现新突破等。该刊近一年未被列入预警期刊名单,目前已被权威数据库SCIE、SSCI收录,得到了广泛的认可。


Cite Score数据(2024年最新版)Asia Pacific Journal Of Management Cite Score数据

  • CiteScore:9.7
  • SJR:1.64
  • SNIP:1.985
学科类别 分区 排名 百分位
大类:Economics, Econometrics and Finance 小类:Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) Q1 5 / 242


大类:Economics, Econometrics and Finance 小类:Business and International Management Q1 54 / 443


大类:Economics, Econometrics and Finance 小类:Strategy and Management Q1 65 / 478


CiteScore 是由Elsevier(爱思唯尔)推出的另一种评价期刊影响力的文献计量指标。反映出一家期刊近期发表论文的年篇均引用次数。CiteScore以Scopus数据库中收集的引文为基础,针对的是前四年发表的论文的引文。CiteScore的意义在于,它可以为学术界提供一种新的、更全面、更客观地评价期刊影响力的方法,而不仅仅是通过影响因子(IF)这一单一指标来评价。

历年Cite Score趋势图

中科院SCI分区Asia Pacific Journal Of Management 中科院分区

中科院 2023年12月升级版 综述期刊:否 Top期刊:否
大类学科 分区 小类学科 分区
管理学 2区 MANAGEMENT 管理学 3区

中科院分区表 是以客观数据为基础,运用科学计量学方法对国际、国内学术期刊依据影响力进行等级划分的期刊评价标准。它为我国科研、教育机构的管理人员、科研工作者提供了一份评价国际学术期刊影响力的参考数据,得到了全国各地高校、科研机构的广泛认可。

中科院分区表 将所有期刊按照一定指标划分为1区、2区、3区、4区四个层次,类似于“优、良、及格”等。最开始,这个分区只是为了方便图书管理及图书情报领域的研究和期刊评估。之后中科院分区逐步发展成为了一种评价学术期刊质量的重要工具。


JCR分区Asia Pacific Journal Of Management JCR分区

2023-2024 年最新版
按JIF指标学科分区 收录子集 分区 排名 百分位
学科:MANAGEMENT SSCI Q1 85 / 401


按JCI指标学科分区 收录子集 分区 排名 百分位
学科:MANAGEMENT SSCI Q2 111 / 402





  • 1、The antecedents and consequences of workplace envy: A meta-analytic review

    Author: Li, Miaomiao; Xu, Xiaofeng; Kwan, Ho Kwong

    Journal: ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. 2023; Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 1-35. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09772-y

  • 2、Feeling obliged or happy to be a good soldier? Employee cognitive and affective reactions to receiving reactive and proactive help

    Author: Zhan, Yuan-Fang; Long, Li-Rong; Zhou, Kong; Wang, Hai-Jiang

    Journal: ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. 2023; Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 37-57. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09774-w

  • 3、Local Support for the Corporate New Investment Project: The Roles of Corporate Reputation, Project's CSR Behavior and Residential Income Level

    Author: Li, Zhi; Wei, Jiuchang; Ge, Yue Gurt

    Journal: ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. 2023; Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 59-85. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09779-5

  • 4、Managing the hearts of boundary spanners: CEO organizational identification and international joint venture performance

    Author: Zhong, Bi-Juan; Gong, Yaping; Shenkar, Oded; Luo, Yadong; Xiao, Zhixing; Zhao, Shuming

    Journal: ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. 2023; Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 87-119. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09780-y

  • 5、The more you exploit, the more expedient I will be: A moral disengagement and Chinese traditionality examination of exploitative leadership and employee expediency

    Author: Cheng, Ken; Guo, Limin; Luo, Jinlian

    Journal: ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. 2023; Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 151-167. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09781-x

  • 6、Internal and external CSR in China: How do women independent directors matter?

    Author: Jin, Ruijie; Jiang, Xu; Hu, Helen Wei

    Journal: ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. 2023; Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 169-204. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09783-9

  • 7、Bribery in emerging economies: an integration of institutional and non-market position perspective

    Author: Lu, Jiangyong; Choi, Seong-jin; Jimenez, Alfredo; Bayraktar, Secil

    Journal: ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. 2023; Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 205-242. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09782-w

  • 8、A moderated mediation examination of shared leadership and team creativity: a social information processing perspective

    Author: Ali, Ahsan; Wang, Hongwei; Boekhorst, Janet A.

    Journal: ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. 2023; Vol. 40, Issue 1, pp. 295-327. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09786-6
